Harry A. Croft
CNS Studies
Clinical Trials of Texas
Medical Director
Healthy Place.com
San Antonio, Texas
Dr Croft is a private practice psychiatrist from San Antonio, Texas who is triple board certified in: Adult Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, and Sex Therapy. He is the Medical Director of HealthyPlace.com. His background includes training in both Ob/Gyn and Psychiatry at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. In addition, he trained with the famed sex therapy team of Masters and Johnson.
Dr Croft has served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps in San Antonio, Texas, from 1973-1976, when he received the US Army Meritorious Service Medal. He has been in private practice since 1976.
In addition to his private practice, Dr Croft serves as the Medical Director of the San Antonio Psychiatric Research Center, and has been the principal investigator in over four dozen clinical trials since 1986.
He has published papers in The American Journal of Ob/Gyn, Clinical Therapeutics, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Psychiatric Annals, The Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, and others, and has presented at the annual meetings of: The American Medical Association, The American Psychiatric Association, The American College of Ob/Gyn, The European Congress of Psychopharmacology and others.
In addition to lecturing to over 1,000 groups of physicians and mental health professionals in all of the 50 United States, Dr Croft has lectured in: Canada, Mexico, France, England, St. Thomas, and San Juan. He appeared on evening TV newscasts for over 17 years with his national award-winning mental health feature, "The Mind is Powerful Medicine." Dr Croft is the co-author of the highly acclaimed new book on combat PTSD: "I Always Sit With My Back To The Wall," and the author of the popular audio book for depressed patients, "Treating Your Depression: Finding Light at the End of the Tunnel."
Dr Croft is the winner of over 20 national and state awards, and has been listed in Who's Who in America for over 29 years. He's been married to his present wife for 40+ years and has 3 grown children and 2 granddaughters.