Brooke Faught
Clinical Director
Women's Institute for Sexual Health (WISH)
Guest Lecturer, Vanderbilt University
Schools of Medicine and Nursing
Nashville, Tennessee
Brooke Faught completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing at the Ohio State University and received her Master of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania where she received an academic traineeship to complete the Women's Health Nurse Practitioner program. She completed a preceptorship in sexual health and became a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) in 2012. Additionally, Brooke trained in colposcopy with a specialization in vulvar colposcopy. She has been a practicing nurse practitioner since 2003, and Director of the Women's Institute for Sexual Health since 2005.
Ms. Faught serves as an expert in her field through local and national lectures to professionals and the public alike and she has been discussing female sexual and pelvic floor issues on both radio and television. Professional awards include the William Oxley Thompson Award for early career achievement and Alumni Transformers in Nursing and Healthcare through the Ohio State University Alumni Association, the Recent Alumni Award for Clinical Excellence from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and the Nashville Business Journal 40 Under 40 award.
Ms Faught is passionate about enriching women's lives by enhancing sexual and pelvic health. She feels empowered as a woman to know that there are answers to some of the most difficult and sensitive women's health questions and that she is able to share this information with her patients.