Sue Goldstein
AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator
Clinical Research Manager
San Diego Sexual Medicine
Managing Editor
Sexual Medicine Reviews
San Diego, California
Mrs. Goldstein is Sexuality Educator and Clinical Research Manager at San Diego Sexual Medicine, responsible for sexual medicine educational programming and clinical research. She works with the Sexual Medicine program at Alvarado Hospital, the Medical School as well as Department of Urology at the University of California at San Diego, and local support groups to provide education to providers, students and the public. She is also responsible for clinical research at San Diego Sexual Medicine where she works with the team to develop research projects, writes research protocols and oversees both sponsored and unsponsored clinical trials. In addition she combines her knowledge of sexual medicine, her writing skills and her years of fund-raising for non-profit organizations to develop programs for health care clinicians, industry and the public while raising funds to support The Institute for Sexual Medicine, Inc, a charitable corporation dedicated to research and education in the field.
Mrs. Goldstein serves on the board of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) where she is chair of the Global Development Committee and past Education Chair, and she serves on the medical advisory board of Lelo. She is also a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT), the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP), International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM), the Sexual Medicine Society of North American, the Executives Association of San Diego and Rotary. She is an AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator and an ACRP Certified Clinical Research Coordinator.
Mrs. Goldstein earned her bachelor's degree in American Civilization from Brown University. She is a mother of three and grandmother of five. She has professional experience as a lab technician, teacher, musician and technical writer. A few years ago Mrs. Goldstein co-authored her first book When Sex Isn't Good, a collection of stories of women with sexual dysfunction, written to provide education and empowerment to women with regard to their sexual function. She was editorial assistant for The Journal of Sexual Medicine for 11 years and is currently managing editor of Sexual Medicine Reviews, both official journals of ISSM and ISSWSH. In addition Mrs. Goldstein was an associate editor and contributing author of Women's Sexual Function and Dysfunction, an associate editor of Female Sexual Pain Disorders, and author of many peer reviewed publications.